Insurrectionists and Jesus


“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.”

-        Matthew 24:12 (NAS)


     Insurrectionists, rioters, anarchists and protesters are some of the words that are highlighting our headlines on January 6, 2021. We are reminded of an evil undercurrent that is streaming throughout our country. Yesterday we saw this evil from the right-wing side but it was on display from the left wing side not too long ago. The church should shudder as we watch the news. Unfortunately, we may have become too sensitized to such evil. Our culture has done a wonderful job nurturing us to a level of sinful normalcy.


“For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth. 6 By You I have been sustained from my birth; You are He who took me from my mother’s womb; my praise is continually of You.”

-       Psalm 71: 5 (NAS)


     As King David looked back over his life, he was reminded of the goodness of God. Despite the bad decisions and persecutions in David’s life, God’s glory overshadowed everything. The context of Psalm 71 includes King David reminding himself of the troubles of his life. He could not simply look at his past problems without being reminded of God’s greatness. James Montgomery Boice stated, “For not only did he look to the past to remember God’s goodness and faithfulness to him over the many long years of his life, he also lookedto the future in terms of the work yet remaining to be done.” As history looks back on our generation, one of the highlights that will define us, occurred on the steps of our Capitol. 2020 is not as forgiving. The highlights included riots, a bomb, a pandemic, etc. Do not be mistaken, our eyes have seen things in the past 12 months that most of us have never seen in our land. In all of the cultural noise, is your love of Christ and for others loud enough?


     As King David looked back at the wrong only to find the glory of God, will future generations be able to do the same? What will future generations say about the church? Have we done enough (or anything) to promote the peace of Christ amongst the restlessness of our world? Please do not perch piously behind your social media account only to voice your mind, but today allow your hands and feet to be the active love of Christ. Is the church loud enough in the midst of all of the noise to promote the glory of God?  The good news is this: we still have time to bring Christ’s goodness, love and salvation to the world around us. We still have time to stand out as ambassadors of God and speak life, love and truth. Today will you love the unloveable, help the unhelpable and serve the unservable?


david evans is the Senior Pastor for Springfield Baptist church.  Feel free to contact David by visiting the church’s website: In the meantime, for Great Commission ideas check out other ideas in other blogs found on this site. Thank you for visiting!